Thursday 5 May 2016


In the backdrop of three years(2014-2017) ,we reigned MAMOC as RUDHRAZ .. Blushing in the unbreakable bond of friendship and the youthful spirit of joy , made the best out of each moment that passed by...
Breaking down the walls of strangeness , we flourished as Rdz (well, that's how we shorten RUDHRAZ ) in the first year of college .. The craziest  but also the brightest team that MAMOC would have ever seen - the outgoing batch of 2017... Yes, from then we were UNSTOPPABLE..
As we moved on to the second year , we enlived the new found seniority .. We beaconed to prove the brimming talents in us.. Among us we found - the intelligentsia of academicians, the spectacled bookworms, awesome singers , vibrant dancers, sporting jaguars, spark of writers, skilled orators, inspiring politicians and socially committed personalities..
In December 2015, we rowed through the waters of Iruvazhinji , putting in our genuine efforts to rejuvenate the polluted river as NSS volunteers.. Being that the highlight among the countless bits of work we found time and energy for , we moulded ourselves into a network of responsible students..
In the unleash of cultural extravaganza, the handsome boys and charming girls of RUDHRAZ bashed the stage with all the grace..
As a family we grew supporting each other in good and bad times .. The ties of brotherhood and sisterhood strengthened in us..From the gate to the classrooms , we gathered heartfelt smiles and endless conversations  , we enlived the nook and corner of the campus.. We painted the walls with the colour of our celebrations .. We filled in the verandahs, with our roars and laughters .. We highfived in the canteen and shops with the wackiest pranks and myriad stories..
Time flew, waiting for no one..
We bid farewell to our beloved seniors -MR - our brothers and sisters who bestowed us with a hand full of memories..
Not to be forgotten,  TEACHERS -our all time wellwishers.. With immense gratitude we remember, they were always there with us like friends..
A year left for us now .. But we are not to leave so easy.. RUDHRAZ - final years of 2016.. Yes, WE are getting ready in the backscreen for the FINAL YEAR HUNGAMAAZZZ..
Hold your breath..!!!
Here we come..!


  1. The powerful voice MAMOC has ever heard

    1. Thank you Jinas T
      Keep in touch with our blog😊
